On Wednesday, December 15, the Snohomish County Council will vote to increase the county sales tax by 0.1%, making the tax rate 10.6%, the highest rate on the entire west coast.

On Wednesday, December 15, the Snohomish County Council will vote to increase the county sales tax by 0.1%, making the tax rate 10.6%, the highest rate on the entire west coast.
At a press conference last week where Washington Governor, Jay Inslee, was giving yet another Covid update, he said: “Thirty-four percent of Washingtonians are walking around with a time bomb in their backpack because they’re not vaccinated.”
Mr. Big is a fictional character who died of cardiac arrest after riding his Peloton bike. And somehow in the real-world people took this very seriously. I would like to use this example to point out just how far from reality our society is these days.
School boards across America have taken the spotlight in media, parent organizations and communities over the last couple of years. As school closures brought classrooms into our homes on computer screens, parents and citizens alike became concerned and started speaking out and doing more research into what is really going on in our public schools.
impacting our youth. He issued a 53-page document discussing the reasons why this is an issue for our youth and what we can do about it.
The two most common reasons (there is a long list) students have been unenrolled in public schools is because 1) remote learning that went on for months on end and students weren’t learning and 2) the indoctrination of our children with Critical Race Theory, including the LGBTQ agenda
The teacher’s unions and public schools across America have overplayed their hand and exposed themselves.
Our children have spent almost 2 years now living in “Covid Society” – locked down, isolated, masked up and being fed fear at every turn. It is no wonder that we have a huge spike in mental illness among our youth, especially our young, white males.
People have become consumed by fear and our government, community leaders and even corporations and government schools have used this to their advantage.
Indoctrination should start at home, in the family, at a young age. It is our duty and our right to indoctrinate our children in the ways that we believe they should live and view the world.