Month: <span>June 2022</span>

Month: June 2022

The Left is Not “Pro Choice”, They are PRO ABORTION

The Left is Not “Pro Choice”, They are PRO ABORTION

It’s important when we are discussing and debating the issue of abortion that we shift our language. For decades, those who believed a woman should have the personal choice whether to have an abortion or not were called “pro-choice.” That same group of people, for the most part, were also the same people that mandated mRNA injections and masks during the “pandemic” these last 2, going on 3 years.

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The Radical Left is Normalizing Drag Queen Events for Kids

The Radical Left is Normalizing Drag Queen Events for Kids

These are not isolated events. These events are not limited to “radical left, deep blue” states like Washington, California and New York. These events are being sponsored by corporations, pro-sports organizations, churches, medical associations. This agenda has permeated every aspect of our society. Due, in part, so our silence – our fear of speaking up against this.

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