Month: <span>October 2021</span>

Month: October 2021

No Room for Compromise

No Room for Compromise

Anyone who believes that “just going along” with these mandates will make get us closer to getting back to normal or putting an “end” to Covid-19 is sadly mistaken. Normal is not returning…especially as the masses comply so they can continue with their comfortable lives.

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Reflecting on One Year

Reflecting on One Year

This photo popped up today in my Facebook memories from one year ago today, October 24th. It’s hard to believe one year has passed already.

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Hopeful or Helpless

Hopeful or Helpless

The government could teach a course on how to cause learned helplessness.  They have known what they were doing all along.  Now, with each post of our despair or discouragement, we tell them their work has been successful.  We have learned.  We are helpless.

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What You Need to Know When Casting Your Ballot

What You Need to Know When Casting Your Ballot

Off-year local elections are full of new candidates and it is difficult to know who is the best choice. These jobs are important and many of the people elected use them as stepping stones for advancing up the political ladder. Those running should truly care about the duties and goals of the office they are running for, the results of their actions when elected, and the impact on our community. I’ve tried to find those people.

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Let’s Honor Our Veterans

Let’s Honor Our Veterans

Conservative Ladies of America has teamed up with BOAZ Coffee Company to give special tribute and honor to our nation's veterans this November and especially on Veteran's Day. Our veterans are the true heroes of this great nation and this is just a small way that we...

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Show Your Papers!

Show Your Papers!

A lot of conservatives talk a big game, but when push comes to shove, how many of us will put our money where our mouth is? If only a small percentage of people take this seriously…” die on this hill” …we slip further from the freedoms we have long been accustomed to, the freedom so many men and women have sacrificed their lives to give us.

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How Do We Fight Back?

How Do We Fight Back?

I know that most people want a tangible action item that they can go do right now, which makes my answer seem too simple. People want to shake things up, make some noise. The way we fight back is simple and often times the silence of it speaks more volumes than if we raise our voice.

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Letter to WSSDA

Letter to WSSDA

Today Conservative Ladies of America sent an email to the President and Executive Director of Washington State School Director’s Association requesting a response to the NSBA’s (National School Board Association) September 29th letter to the Biden Administration. 

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It’s Time to Rise!

It’s Time to Rise!

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of America Have you been cautious about who you expose your conservative, right-leaning, maybe even just “moderate and sane” political beliefs to? Have you kept your American flag in your garage so your neighbors don’t...

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