Snohomish County to Pass Sales Tax Increase

Snohomish County to Pass Sales Tax Increase

The state legislature passed a bill in the 2020 session that Inslee signed into law in March 2020, that allows council members to increase taxes without a vote of the people. HB-1590 allows the local sales and use tax for affordable housing to be imposed by a councilmanic authority.

On Wednesday, December 15, the Snohomish County Council will vote to increase the county sales tax by 0.1%, making the tax rate 10.6%, the highest rate on the entire west coast.  County Executive Dave Somers along with County Council Chair Stephanie Wright and County Council Vice Chair Megan Dunn are proposing this tax increase for affordable housing programs. The county just approved a budget of $1.25 billion on November 9th.

Fortunately, Councilman Nate Nehring was re-elected to the county council and continues to be the voice of reason and the voice of the people.

“Typically, proposals to increase the sales tax rate are placed on the ballot for a vote of the people” said Councilmember Nehring in a released statement on December 1. “In this case, a loophole passed by the State Legislature is being used to avoid a public vote. That isn’t right.

“There is no reason why this tax needs to be rushed through with minimal transparency,” continued Nehring. “If there are Councilmembers who think this is a good idea, they should be willing to make that case to their constituents through a robust process of public input and deliberation.” Source: County poised to pass 0.1% sales tax as inflation hits 40-year high – Lynnwood Times

If you are a Snohomish County resident, please send an email to the council today telling them that you want them to vote NO on this tax.

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We know that the state legislature is very good at passing garbage bills that do not have bipartisan support. The democrats control the legislature and ram through everything they want. During a time when inflation is at a 39 year high and all families and citizens are paying more for everything, the last thing we need is another tax – regardless of your political affiliations.

Please consider attending this meeting on Wednesday via Zoom. It’s important that our elected leaders know that we are watching and that we do not want them imposing taxes that we have not been able to vote on.

Councilman Nehring sent the following information regarding the meeting on December 15th. Please attend and please share this information.

The vote on whether to increase the countywide sales tax rate for subsidized housing will occur this Wednesday, December 15th at 10:30am. I would encourage you to make your voice heard on this issue by providing public testimony at the meeting (it is a Zoom meeting, so testimony can be provided from anywhere, even by phone.) Please consider participating in Wednesday’s meeting; you can find the login information below:

 Zoom Webinar link:

Dial in: (253) 215 8782 or (301) 715 8592

Meeting ID: 948 4685 0772