Month: <span>December 2020</span>

Month: December 2020

Too Big For Me

Too Big For Me

I got pregnant with my first born when I was barely twenty years old. She is now coming up on her 25th birthday this spring and is older than I was when I got pregnant with her. We were chatting the other day about adult life and how different things are when you’re...

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I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance

Conservative Ladies of America Meeting at North Fork Farms, October 2020 Today is "National Pledge of Allegiance Day". It's a day that reminds me how blessed we are to live in this great nation. When I think of the Pledge, I go back in time to those mornings when I...

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The Time is Now

The Time is Now

I was inspired by a video of Kirk Cameron leading a peaceful protest in California of thousands of people coming together to sing carols in celebration of Christmas. Cameron has been outspoken about what is going on in America for years now. It was awesome to see him...

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Contentment is a Choice

Contentment is a Choice

Have you ever been stuck in a season of your life? And when I say “stuck”, I mean…it’s your own fault you are stuck in this season. Maybe it is a season of grief, or depression. Maybe you lost a job or got divorced. Maybe you had an illness that caused life to stop...

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Light Always Wins

Light Always Wins

Back in 2013 when I was walking through a particularly dark time in my life, one of my Facebook friends spoke John 1:5 over me as I was getting ready for a court hearing. “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” Light always wins....

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The Strategy of Fatigue

The Strategy of Fatigue

By Janis Kristiansen, Contributing Writer Are you tired of all this election stuff? Political ads? Conflict? Tired of the noise? And are you just waiting until it will go back to “normal” and we can get on with our lives? Maybe the vaccine will calm people’s fears...

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I’m On America’s Side

I’m On America’s Side

Politics. To be honest, it’s never been something I’ve been interested in. Like…at all. No thanks. Not interested in the slightest. The first time I voted was in 2004 at the age of 29 because I wanted to vote for Dino Rossi as Washington Governor. And I voted for John...

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