Last month several thousand concerned Washington citizens logged in to watch and participate in the State Board of Health Meeting, pertaining to an agenda item regarding the consideration of Covid-19 shots for public school students. Thursday, February 10th, the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will meet to continue this conversation. We encourage you to attend the meeting via Zoom (it’s a long meeting – grab a device you can run it on and go about your day while keeping an ear on things) and send an email to the board with your thoughts and concerns.
Register to attend the meeting on February 10th: Webinar Registration – Zoom
The full meeting agenda is below:
You can find all of the meeting materials and presentation slides here: Feb 10 TAG Meeting :: Washington State Board of Health
A point every citizen should make in an email message, as demonstrated in their own materials: “Currently no published literature on pediatric Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in K-12 school setting.”

Also worth noting – and probably not “news” to readers here – Covid-19 is far down the list of causes of death for Washington children. Yet, suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for our teenagers ages 15-19.

You can view all the slides for the presentations that will be given at this meeting here: Feb 10 TAG Meeting :: Washington State Board of Health
Please send an email to the board with your thoughts and concerns. Don’t worry about quoting stats and data, just speak from your heart – keep it focused and respectful.