Weekend Action Items 2/12-13

Weekend Action Items 2/12-13

Take a few minutes today to click through the “TAKE ACTION NOW” buttons in this post to make your voice heard on a few important bills that have hearings this week (There are a LOT of bills, these are just a few we chose to target)

There are several meetings next week that do not yet have bills listed for public hearing. Please expect calls to action as soon as we learn more. *Please note: all action must be taken AT LEAST one hour prior to the start of the meeting.

EHB 1973 Recording School Board meeting

EHB (Engrossed House Bill) 1973 would require school board meetings to be recorded. Currently, there is NO REQUIREMENT to record meetings at all!! This bill requires audio recordings of meetings to be filed and archived by date. Currently, there is no law requiring school board meetings to be recorded. This bill passed the House last week and will be heard in the Senate State Government & Elections Committee on Wednesday, February 16th at 8AM. Please click the TAKE ACTION NOW button to submit your PRO position on this bill.

If you would like to testify remotely on this bill (you will have approximately 1 minute to speak to your position) please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

If you would like to submit written testimony on this bill, please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

ESSB-5078 Banning “High Capacity” Magazines

ESSB-5078 would ban so-called “high capacity” magazines, limiting to 10 round capacity. For reference, the Glock 19, the most commonly purchased firearm in 2021 has a standard-issue 15 round magazine. This is an infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights and we must oppose this bill and keep it from passing the House! This bill will be heard by the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 16th at 10:00AM. Please click the TAKE ACTION NOW button to register your CON position on this bill for the legislative record.

If you would like to testify on this bill remotely via zoom, please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

If you would like to submit written testimony on this bill, please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

SHB 1617 – State and school holidays: makes Juneteenth a school holiday

SHB Substitude House Bill 1617 would make June 19th a school holiday. “The legislature intends to clarify that Juneteenth, like all other state legal holidays, is a school holiday on which school may not be taught.” We believe in teaching all history to our students; however, this is part of an agenda being pushed by groups like Black Lives Matter and the teachers’ unions and should not require a school holiday, at the expense of tax payers. This bill passed the House and will be heard by the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee on Wednesday, February 16th at 10:30AM. Please click the TAKE ACTION NOW button and register your CON position for the legislative record.

If you would like to sign up for remote testimony (this is a great one for parents and teachers!) please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

If you would like to submit written testimony for this bill please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

SHB-1800 Health Care for Minors

SHB (Substitute House Bill) 1800 regarding Health Care for Minors sounds a bit dicey, but this bill would actually allow for MORE parent access (currently children 13+ have complete confidentiality, BY LAW, with medical and mental health care records). This would set up a parent portal and give parents access to children’s records. This bill passed the house and will be heard in the Senate Behavioral Health Subcommittee on February 16th at 6PM. Please click the TAKE ACTION NOW button to register your PRO position on this bill.

If you would like to provide remote testimony for this bill, please click here: CSI (wa.gov)

If you would like to provide written testimony for this bill, please click here: CSI (wa.gov)