Washington Legislature Needs a Special Session

Washington Legislature Needs a Special Session

The new “police reform” laws that went into effect on July 25th have created some really big issues that simply cannot wait until the next legislative session in January of 2022.


Republican legislators across the state of Washington have been calling on Governor Jay Inslee to call a special session specifically to address the anti-police laws that have already, in less than two weeks, caused chaos and a rise in crime in communities throughout the state.


Republicans in Washington’s 25th District wrote:

“Due to the Democrats’ new police reform laws, we continue to see a disturbing trend across the state where our men and women in law enforcement are unable to effectively carry out their duties. Here in Puyallup yesterday, police deputies were forced to abandon their search for a murder suspect out of concern that a pursuit resulting in the use of force would be considered unlawful.”

State Representative Brad Klippert from Washington’s 8th Legislative District wrote on Thursday:

As a law enforcement officer who also serves as a legislator, I see firsthand how these laws are already not working and how our communities continue to become less safe.

I’m actively working to change the language in these new laws. It’s imperative that we as a community and the legislative body take immediate action to remedy these problems and unintended consequences caused by these new laws. We cannot wait until the 2022 session begins in January. WE NEED TO ACT NOW!

Jim Walsh, Washington’s Representative from the 19th District in Aberdeen wrote on Wednesday:

We need to hold the current Governor and his supporters in the legislature responsible for the bad effects of policy like HB 1054, HB 1310, etc. And we need to reform or repeal those bad laws ASAP.

What can YOU do?

Email or call Governor Jay Inslee and your legislators. Demand that Governor Inslee calls the legislature into a special session. These laws are destructive and must be fixed ASAP! Please, speak up!

Contact Gov. Inslee | Governor Jay Inslee (wa.gov)

Washington State Legislature

Here are a few examples of what we’re beginning to hear and see as a result of these terrible bills: