Representative Klippert Files Parents Bill of Rights

Representative Klippert Files Parents Bill of Rights

District 8 Representative Brad Klippert has filed a Parents Educational Rights bill that addresses many of the concerns of parents regarding public school education.

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Over the last two years, parents and citizens have awakened to the indoctrination happening in our public schools across the country, and specifically, here in Washington. With the passage of Comprehensive Sex Ed in our state, parents have been on heightened alert. As classrooms came into living rooms across the state, parents became aware of CRT/SEL/”social justice” being taught in every aspect of education.

As a result, parents have stepped up and demanded transparency which has been met with great resistance by the public schools and especially teachers unions.

Representative Klippert’s bill mandates:  “…  To know what their child is being taught in school including,  but not limited to, curricula and instructional materials used within  the curricula, and to have access to these materials for review either online or through an alternative method; To have information on who is teaching their child, including  guest speakers and presenters who are not employed by the public school”

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In August, the Washington Education Association issued a statement telling teachers that if parents contact the asking for information about curricula, the teacher is under no obligation to even respond to the parent’s request:

“We are aware that parents are sending emails to educators asking questions about what exactly we are teaching regarding equity, anti-racism, LGBTQ inclusion, sexual health education, and more.  As an educator, you do not have to reply to these.  It is also fine to reply to the parents that you are teaching the curricula as designated by your district and the state and they can ask for more details from those entities.”

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It’s time for parents to speak up and let the public educators and the teachers unions and the elected officials know WHO has authority of the children. We do! As parents, this is our GOD-GIVEN RIGHT!

What can you do?

This bill needs a hearing. Please email the committee and ask them to give this bill a hearing. You can also provide a comment to your legislator letting them know that you support this bill and that you want it to have a hearing.

Below are the emails for every committee member of the House Education Committee. Please copy and paste these into your email. In your email please ask for a HEARING FOR HB-2087