Action Required! Protect Washington Businesses

Action Required! Protect Washington Businesses

We have another bill that needs your ACTION!


Remember when you said, “what can I do to help make a difference?” Here is what you can do. Make your voice heard. This is easy and only take a couple of minutes.


HB 1574 is a bill co-sponsored by Republicans and Democrats to protect Washington State businesses from unscrupulous, vexatious attorneys who sue Washington State businesses under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on behalf of the “plaintiff(s)” who may have never even been in the business. These are also known as “Drive-by Lawsuits.” All this bill does is allow 30 days for the business to fix the problem before they can be sued and 60 days if that fix were to require a permit.


This bill should be a no-brainer for our legislators, but we need to ask them to move/pass out of the House and Senate before the end of the 2021 legislative session.


We are asking you to email Speaker of the House, Laurie Jinkins and Senate Majority Leader Andy Bilig to ask them to move this bipartisan bill forward.


Here’s an easy copy/paste message for you to plug into the contact form for each of these leaders.


“I am writing in support of HB 1574. HB 1574 is a bi-partisan bill that will help protect our Washington state businesses and will put an end to frivolous lawsuits. I am asking that you move this bill out of the House/Senate before the 2021 legislative session ends.”

Speaker Laurie Jinkins: Washington State Legislature – Member Email

Senate Majority Leader Bilig: Washington State Legislature – Member Email

You can also comment on this bill and send it to your district representatives/senator. Be sure to click the “support” option and ask your reps to vote FOR this bill.

Washington State Legislature


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