If you’re a parent or a grandparent or someone who has been around students over the past 2 years, you would probably agree that “asynchronous” learning (remote learning, videos, independent learning time) is a complete waste of time for most students. It’s difficult for most students to use this asynchronous time productively, stay focused and not be distracted.
As a mother of 4 high school students, I can attest that asynchronous learning is not a replacement for synchronous learning. (I hate these new terms, for the record.) Most students need the interaction with an instructor – whether that is a teacher in a school or a parent instructing through home school. It is rare for a student to thrive in an asynchronous environment.
But Democrats in the Washington state legislature have proposed a SB-5375 that would allow asynchronous hours to count just like any other instructional hours, thus making remote learning a normal part of our public education system.
Bill text:
“Asynchronous instructional hours” means instructional hours that include time during the school day that students are provided 20 the opportunity to engage in an educational activity planned by and under the direction of school district certificated staff but where the educational activity does not include two-way interactive communication contact with school district staff. These instructional hours may include educational activities that are delivered through alternative modalities of instruction including, but not limited to, distance learning, and are subject to the limitations under RCW 28A.150.220. Asynchronous instructional hours shall not constitute an alternative learning experience course unless the course is approved under chapter 28A.232 RCW
Our students need to be IN school, receiving instruction from teachers, interacting with students, working collaboratively. These are necessary skills for child development and preparing for the real world beyond school. Allowing schools to count asynchronous learning hours would be a great disservice to our students.
This bill is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education at 10:30 AM on January 19,2022. You can easily comment on this bill HERE: Washington State Legislature – Public Bill Comments Please be sure to click the “OPPOSE” button on the form.
You can also have your position noted for the legislative record and/or sign up to testify here: CSI (wa.gov) Please be sure to select “CON” and fill out all the fields.
I know this seems tedious. There are so many bills! If you’re like me and haven’t paid much attention to legislation in the past, it can be very overwhelming. And at the same time, it’s easy to see how we got to where we are today. It’s time for us to make our voices heard. We need to send in comments by the thousands like never before! Overwhelm the democrats with your comments, emails and phone calls. It may not change their vote, but they will know that we are paying attention. And…this is an election year.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to weigh in on this education issue.