So, where are the churches?

So, where are the churches?

*By Debbi Anderson, CLW Education Lead


I just finished listening to Dan Bongino.  He thinks there is going to be a full shut-down again in August.  He’s picking up clues from the various comments from Biden, Psaki, and his sources in Washington D.C.  He said it is going to come close to killing our economy forever, but will leave just enough to protect Biden.  I’m not sure if this is true or not, but it made me remember my initial thoughts way back in February 2020.

I remember the panic.  Remember, we had BLM marching and burning.  Stores, schools, restaurants, churches, businesses, everything closed.   I saw my mom, who just turned 89, struggle with isolation.  She was so vital and full of energy.  If she wasn’t at one of the two Bible studies she attended weekly, she was at church.  Her play time was plentiful.  At least two events per week to play cards or dominos.  Over the months, her stride shortened, her shoulders slumped.  It was the heartbreak of all the seniors.  Isolation, complete removal from loved ones, took its toll.

I started speaking up and writing my blogs.  And I waited.  I waited for the big eruption I just knew was going to happen.  No way would the Conservatives allow this economic collapse.  No way would the church be willing to obey the “close the doors” maxim.  I wrote to the elders of my church and asked why they weren’t doing anything.  Their first response was completely unsatisfactory, so I pressed again.  Their response was that as long as their congregation wasn’t hurt, they would oblige the government rules.  They made sure the seniors were taken care of with meals once a week.  My final letter to the church was to express my disappointment.  Couldn’t something be done?   My last sentence was to ask that a year ago, would they have thought they would allow the government to close the church doors?  Would they have obeyed the government when it said no groups bigger than six could meet?

The months passed and no opening.  Instead, it got worse.  President Trump had to make way for Resident Biden.  The cheating was obvious, though many still denied it.  The church was silent.

We couldn’t believe anything that was being told about the virus, the vaccination.  Liberals and Conservatives both chose not to get the vaccination.  Things started opening up slowly.  We had to wear masks.  We had to keep our distances.  The rules made no sense.  Covid couldn’t strike you when you were outside or sitting down or masked.  If you wore a mask and took it off to take a bite, you could be arrested.  Airlines made their own rules.

But this wasn’t enough.  Now, the Equality Act changing terminology to equity in the result.  Critical Race Theory stormed our schools.  Children were indoctrinated in schools.  They were emancipated at age 13, where parents had no say.  Vaccines were threatened to be mandated.  Those who believed the vaccine wasn’t safe would be forced to get it despite the harm it seemed to do.  Young girls could be made sterile.  Young boys could have heart issues.  And the church remained silent.

The police became the enemy.  Defund them!  Make them useless!  The recent July 25 order by Inslee has already caused significant harm.

If a church had a special speaker, wanted to hold a special service, they could be pressured by the mob, their families threatened with harm.  Pastors could be hauled out of the cars on the freeway and carried (literally) off to jail.  Pastors gave in to the intimidation.

But that wasn’t enough.  Big cities like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, were torn apart, set afire, and made inhabitable.  Businesses could not run.  The cancel culture struck every time something could possibly be misinterpreted as against the LGBQT or BLM.

We are open again.  My mom is busy again with her friends.  But the year has taken a heavy toll.  The seniors group has less members.  We are able to go to church and join with others in worship, or worshipping on line.  My office is open, my clients are starting to make money again.  There are not a lot of shortages in food and supplies.  But, now we are faced with another closure.  My pastor once went public on the news and said he would never close the church again.  I’ll wait to see.  Some pastors said they won’t be intimidated and will invite any speaker they want to their service.  And I believe they all mean it.

There is still hope.  Hope that 2022 will change the seating in the House.  We call it running for office, but I like the British phrase of STANDING for office.  More of us are standing for city council or school board.  Many, like me, have turned to writing and blogs.  I would be excited that there are over 7000 members of CLW, but the majority are silent still.  7000 really means nothing if only 50 are active.  There’s so much to do and still so few stepping up.  I don’t understand it, I confess.

My thoughts went to, if the church would stand up, how many would follow?  If my pastor said, “Enough is enough!  We are going to do something.  We are going to have a rally of all the local churches and we are going to fight for God, we are going to march into war, we are going to move onward against the corruption.  We are going to take up our swords and make it known to the world that God is not to be mocked!  He is not to be spoken only in vain!”  I would be part of that rally!  I would march with the others.  I would be proud.  I would be noisy.  I would be braver in a group than as an individual.  I would willingly stand next to Episcopalians, Catholics, Baptists, Christians, Jews, Methodist, Presbyterians, and others, as we fight valiantly.

Does anyone feel like this too?  Or, does anyone have an answer for me?  Why is the church silent?  What will it take?  I dread the answer to that.  My wonderful pastor gives strong messages of what’s going on.  His answer is for individuals to pray, don’t give in to lies, cling to God.  But he doesn’t take it to the next step of standing up and inviting others to corporately Stand Up!  Stand Up For Jesus! Ye soldiers of the cross!


Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss:
From vict’ry unto vict’ry, His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.

  1. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The trumpet call obey:
    Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day;
    Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
    Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.
  2. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone,
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own;
    Put on the gospel armor, and watching unto prayer,
    Where calls the voice of duty, be never wanting there.
  3. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! the strife will not be long;
    This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song;
    To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be;
    He with the King of glory shall reign eternally.