CALL TO ACTION: Put a STOP to Catalytic Converter Theft

CALL TO ACTION: Put a STOP to Catalytic Converter Theft

Senator Jeff Wilson of Longview has sponsored a bill that would help crack down on the rise in theft of catalytic converters across the state. This bill needs our help to get passed!

*Please note: filling out the sign in form does NOT mean you have to testify. Simply complete page 1 of the form, make sure you select “PRO” for your position and at the bottom click “I’m Done”. See below for options to testify in the meeting.

SB- 5495 would prohibit scrap dealers from purchasing catalytic converters except from commercial enterprises and vehicle owners. Scrap dealers who knowingly purchase or receive stolen catalytic converters would face misdemeanor charges. This bill also requires scrap metal dealers to confirm ownership when catalytic converters are resold and maintain records of vehicle identification numbers. This bill would also prohibit cash payments on the spot.

In a recent press release, Senator Wilson said:

“Catalytic converter theft has become the crime of the day. We see reports on every police blotter in every corner of the state. And the crime has exploded in just the last year.”

Jeff Catalytic Converter 2021
Senator Jeff Wilson – R, Longview, WA

Washington has been identified as one of the “hot spots” for catalytic converter thefts, rising 470.5% in 2021 over 2020.

“We live in an age in which some say we should look the other way at petty crime, because thieves are needy.” Wilson said. “But let me tell you, it’s not going to seem petty when you start your car and you hear a blast from the tailpipe. Replacing a catalytic converter is expensive, and even when it is covered by insurance, sometimes it can take weeks to get a replacement. This isn’t a nuisance crime. It’s an epidemic.”

Let’s help get this important bill passed so we can get this crime of catalytic converter theft under control. We need each Washington citizen to TAKE ACTION TODAY!

This bill has a hearing tomorrow, January 25, 2021, at 10:30AM in the Senate Law & Justice Committee.

Sign in for the committee members to see that you support tightening the law about reselling stolen catalytic converters please.

Make your position noted in the legislative record by filling out this form and selecting “PRO” at the top.

You can also SPEAK at the hearing by computer on Tuesday the 25th at 10:30 in a digital meeting.

If you want to testify fill out this form now, and then log in on the 25TH AT 10:30

Those who sign up to speak will be given two minutes. Technical experts are ready to talk about the law, but most needed are stories of how bad this problem is getting.