I have been seeing a lot of people posting on social media these past few weeks…or couple months…”God is good and He’s going to deliver us by giving Trump a second term.”
Hmmm. He might. No one knows what God is going to do. That much we know for sure…we don’t know. What we also know for sure is that God IS good. Trump may or may not take a second term. And God will still be good. God will still be in control. God will still be working HIS good plan.
I’ve had people tell me I’m a doubter for suggesting that Biden will take office next week. I’ve had people question my Christian faith because I suggest that Trump may not get a second term. I’m not a doubter, I’m a realist. I know that God is in control of this thing. I don’t doubt God’s goodness for one second. And my faith is not wavering. My faith is in God alone, not Donald Trump.
In John 16:33 Jesus tell us: “These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
The Bible has been very clear that we will experience suffering in this world but that we can have peace and TAKE courage knowing that victory has already been won. The Bible also shows us where governments have risen and fallen. God’s people have endured suffering and persecution – we see it in our world today…if we’re willing to look beyond our own borders.
God’s GOOD plan may not play out the way we want it to. God is not a genie in a bottle. Prayers are not wishes that God is required to grant. The Bible tells us that when we pray, we pray “THY will be done.”
A few years ago I was walking a friend through a very difficult time. I prayed for this friend. I marched in prayer for this friend. And as I prayed, I knew that God may not answer my prayers the way I wanted Him to. And in this song Even If, by Mercy Me, I took great comfort knowing that regardless the answer to this situation my friend was in, God was going to work it out for good.
I know You’re able and I know You can
Save through the fire with Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow, and I know the hurt
Would all go away if You’d just say the word
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
God gives us trials to strengthen us. Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers they way we want because that’s just not His plan. God’s biggest victories in my own life are because of a great deal of challenge and often suffering. And His victory is glorious and amazing. And in looking back we can say…DO IT AGAIN, LORD!
I take great joy in telling you that the prayers I prayed for my friend during that incredibly difficult time were answered in a mighty way. God truly worked a miracle! It was amazing!
Today, I pray for a miracle. Lord, DO IT AGAIN! Extend your grace on the United States of America. Show us your mercy.
But even if you don’t, God, we know that YOU ARE GOOD. Period. Full stop.
*By Julie Barrett, Founder Conservative Ladies of America