*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of America
Thanks to the CDC making the mRNA injections available to children ages 5 and up, parents are lining up their children to get them shot up. They are proud to post pictures of their masked children with a fresh bandaid on their shoulder, showing they’re doing their part to “stop the spread” …the spread that was only supposed to take 14 days to stop but now we’re over 600 days.
As a mom, I’ve not been “anti vax”, although I will admit, in recent years I’ve learned a lot that I wish I knew when my children were infants and young children, and I likely would have done some things differently. That said, I’m not against vaccinating. I am against the Covid-19 “vaccine”/mRNA injection for many reasons. But the simplest reason is that this injection is still under EUA (emergency use authorization) and has not been approved by the FDA, despite the misleading reports of a Covid-19 vaccine that was approved (that one is not available to the public at this time).
In addition to this being EUA only is that there is ample evidence that children are impacted by Covid-19. In fact, twice as many children have died since January 2020 of pneumonia than have died of Covid-19 during the same period. The vaccine manufacturers have zero liability if your child suffers an adverse effect or death due to the vaccine. We know that children are not superspreaders and we know that they are often asymptomatic if they do contract the virus.
At this time, there are a lot of reports of children who have been negatively impacted and even died after receiving the mRNA injection. There have been ample reports of anaphylaxis, myocarditis, Guillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and blood clotting to name a few. We have had nearly a year now to see how the mRNA injections have slowed the spread of Covid-19 or protected people from it, and I’m not impressed, nor convinced that I should inject myself, let alone my children!
We have learned over this past year that receiving the mRNA injection does not prevent one from contracting or spreading Covid-19. It does not prevent death from Covid-19. Here in Washington state, the injection is so ineffective Governor Inslee had to reinstate his mask mandate statewide to “STOP THE SPREAD.”
This injection has not had the time to go through the testing and trials to assure the public that it is safe. We have no idea what the long-term effects of this injection may be on things like fertility. But we do know that this virus poses very low risk to children. And so why on earth would parents want to rush their kids to the front of the line? It baffles me.
Over the last two weeks school districts around the state have been holding vaccine clinics for their young students. Parents are rushing to get their children on the list to receive the coveted injections as doses are currently in limited supply. And not surprisingly, this week on November 17th, the Seattle Public Schools board will meet to discuss passing a measure “urging the Washington State Board of Health to begin review of the COVID-19 vaccination for addition to the list of immunizations that students must receive before attending school, once fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices”

It’s clear to see where this is going…to the surprise of no one. The injection has been approved for children and the next step is a government school mandate on all students. What remains unclear is: how will parents respond?
We see a group of parents that is proud to get their kids the injection as soon as they possibly can but I believe that there is an even larger group of parents that remain skeptical, remain cautious and do not want the government to mandate the medical decisions for their children. It is my hope and prayer that this impending mandate will be met with incredible resistance by protective parents. At what point do we draw our line in the sand?
*We’re sending our children to school with masks.
*We’re showing papers to do business in places that require a vaccine passport or negative Covid-19 test.
*Many adults have received the injection very reluctantly because they have been coerced and threatened with job loss and the ability to provide for their families if they don’t.
We have allowed this to happen, and the government keeps taking it further…because they can. Will your children be the line in the sand for you? Will your children be the thing that makes you say, “OVER MY DEAD BODY?”
It’s time for parents to send a message. It’s time to stand up strong and firm for parental rights and medical freedom. We must protect our children at all costs. That is our God-given right and it is our duty as parents.
Where is that line that you absolutely will not cross?