How to Kill America, Executive Order Style

How to Kill America, Executive Order Style

*By Vincent Caveleri, CLW Contributing Writer


In the first few days of the Biden presidency, he has wielded the pen and used executive orders to deliver a death blow to middle America and our neighbors to the north, Canada. The joint venture known as the Keystone XL pipeline is the culmination of US and Canadian efforts to eliminate the need of energy imports into North America; and safely move oil throughout our countries.


The pipeline allows the flow of crude oil through 10 American states, from the province of Alberta Canada. Through each passing state there are refinement processes and distribution points for the use and export of crude oil. This conveyance is what helped America gain energy independence two years ago for the first time since the early 1900s. As we hypothesize the rationale or justification for the community killing order, you will see it’s nothing more than green lobby voter base appeasement. Biden is pandering to the radical wing of the democrat party; and willing to let thousands of American families suffer because of it.


There is no environmental justification for killing the pipeline, it’s just simply cruel. As a matter of fact, killing the pipeline endangers the environment, according to reports. This will force the oil to be shipped (and it will be shipped) by trucks and rail cars, thus increasing the frequency of accidents and mishaps. This will also displace grain shipments from the Midwest and increase costs across the board. So, what’s really behind the move?


The shortsighted executive order eliminated thousands of American jobs with one stroke of the pen. Without forethought, the indifferent Biden leadership team stated, “workers who have been or expected to be employed on the Keystone XL pipeline should simply get other jobs”. In what seems nothing more than a political stunt, the newly elected leader has decided to marginalize entire populations, in both Canada and the US. His dismissive tone tells you all you need to know regarding their stance on energy; and the oil and gas industry in general. In 2015, then President Obama suspended the pipeline project indefinitely simply pandering to the environmentalist lobby and essentially punting to the next administration. It was a stalling tactic for him at the time but has now become a “political football” to the inept Biden administration. To simply double down during COVID lockdowns with job killing legislation is clearly someone with a lack of consciousness or awareness.


Neal Crabtree is a member of the Arkansas Pipefitters Local Union 798; and had this to say. “just like the rest of the country, COVID hurt us bad, we’ve had a lot of projects canceled”. He went on to state, “we have guys that haven’t worked in months, and in some cases years, and to have a project of this magnitude cancelled, it’s going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families and a lot of communities”. Folks, this was day one of the Biden administration. This is part of Joe Biden’s “long dark winter” that he promised us.


On day 7, Biden signed another pandering and job killing executive order halting all oil and gas exploration permits on federal land. Approximately 25% of our nation’s fossil fuels are produced on federal lands. This will force America to import oil and gas from other countries; and enrich countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries like Iran, while American energy costs will skyrocket. Their plan is so ill-conceived that it will have the opposite effect on the environment. America is the world leader in refining and safely shipping oil and gas. No one does it better, cleaner or more safely. These raw products will be forced to be shipped and refined in China and South America, where there are no EPA standards to adhere to. The effects on jobs and dependent communities will be felt for years. Despite false promises made by Biden during the campaign, he is full steam ahead with radical policies that not only harm America but help our enemies. Nice work Joe. All in your first week.


Peace and blessings always. Vincent