*Note your position as CON for SB-5563
*Must ACT by 1/31/22 at 2:30PM PST
This is the bill seeks to fund school districts that have lost students due to unforeseen circumstances (like maybe, parents seeing what’s actually being taught, masks…I dunno…). This would give the OSPI about $500 million in government school funding to compensate for the lost students this school year. From what we are seeing, the unenrollment is not a “temporary blip” as Reykdal would have you believe.
Learn more: Washington OSPI Seeks Funding to Compensate Massive Unenrollment – Conservative Ladies of America
Many parents and citizens are very passionate about this issue. If that’s you and you feel compelled to register to testify at the hearing on Monday, January 31st at 4PM, please register to testify with your CON position HERE: CSI (wa.gov)